We are very proud to present the impact of our Smile Together Mobile Dental Unit Tour through Cornwall in our Impact Special Edition – Reaching out to our communities
In this edition you’ll find an overview of this edition’s topics:

Reaching out : to our communities

Last month we did something we’ve wanted to do for a long time – go further into our communities to help those who need us most.
For two weeks, our intrepid bunch of skilled volunteers took to the road in a bus we hired from Dent Aid out of the profits we have made. Of course, we do lots to create healthier, happier communities – this was a shining example of practising what we preach.

Our impact in numbers

Whilst it is difficult to precisely measure happiness, pain relief and the fact that people were glad to see us, we can certainly say the following:
27 volunteers from across the Smile Together group and beyond
100 patients seen in total
5+ years – the average time since a patient last saw a dentist
of patients seen had immediate ‘on the spot’ treatment
100% of patients screened for oral cancer
250+ toothbrushes toothpastes and advice leaflets given to patients and families
13,920 following the tour on Facebook
430 following the tour on the website

Raising : awareness

Of course, there is no better way of tackling access to dental care than going out and caring for people. However, we all know that the issue needs communicating much wider to build awareness of the issue and help influence change.
Our story clearly captured attention of TV, radio and on social media. Chris Roberts conducted interviews on BBC Spotlight and BBC Radio Cornwall. We generated over £15,000 worth of media coverage on our story and struck up very useful relationships with some influential journalists.

For further information have a look at our special edition of impact: Impact Special Edition – Reaching out to our communities

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