Smile Together prominently features in the latest Employee Ownership Association (EOA) Podcast: The three pillars of ‘Good EO’.  This podcast is all about good employee ownership, or ‘Good EO’, that helps businesses build an excellent employee ownership culture through the three key pillars of good communications and engagement, good leadership, and good governance.

Managing Director Paul Critchley discusses the importance of authentic leadership alongside fellow employee-owned organisations Riverford Organic Farmers who talk about communications and engagement and Independent Directors & Trustees Ltd who speak about governance.

Smile Together has been an active member of the EOA since 2016 when we ourselves transitioned to employee ownership. Paul has presented at previous EOA national conferences, our employee-owners have attended various EOA events, we’ve submitted nominations for their annual awards (often successfully) and participated in online activities (we were the #EOisTheAnswer 2020 Twitter Quiz Champions!).

This latest engagement follows our participation in EO Boost 2020 – the equivalent of the EOA’s national conference that year, necessarily becoming virtual due to the pandemic – offering engaging learning and insightful discussions on what good business and employee ownership (EO) succession looks like for individuals, businesses and the UK economy.

The economic contribution of employee ownership in the UK is significant and is growing. Employee ownership delivers 4% of UK GDP annually. As we’ve demonstrated in our EO Community Interest Company, employee-owned businesses achieve higher productivity and greater levels of innovation, are more resilient to economic turbulence and also have a more engaged and fulfilled workforce.

In our experience, a transition to employee ownership looks after your team and your local community, and it also represents the most tax-efficient exit available to someone seeking to sell their dental practice.

This podcast is well worth a listen, which you can do here, and please don’t hesitate to contact us for an informal discussion about employee ownership in dentistry, or indeed any sector – we love sharing our experience!

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