Smile Together supports the Oral Health Foundation and Mouth Cancer Foundation charities in raising awareness and encouraging us all to be #MouthAware, including during Mouth Cancer Action Month (MCAM) each November.
Early diagnosis vastly improves oral cancer survival rates, which is why it’s so important to have regular dental check-ups, self-check, and seek help if you spot anything that isn’t normal for you – If In Doubt, Get Checked Out. Hopefully the resources on this page will be helpful.
During MCAM our teams often set up informative displays in our practice locations, organise competitions, wear something blue and sport blue lips, especially on Blue Wednesday each year, to spread awareness of mouth cancer. We share all this on our social media channels to encourage as many people as possible to check their mouth for early warning signs.
See what we did for #MouthCancerActionMonth in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019
The Oral Health Foundation visited us during our 2023 #SmilesAtSeaUK harbourside tour, creating and sharing this fabulous video to encourage regular checks for any unusual changes in the mouth and to ‘know your normal’!
During our 2022 #SmilesAtSeaUk harbourside tour we created this ‘Checking for mouth cancer at sea’ video to encourage fishermen to regularly check for any unusual changes in the mouth, but of course anyone can use this for guidance. Thanks to Mike from The Fishermen’s Mission for featuring in this and to SeaFit and Seafarers Hospital Society for their continued support.